OK, here is the vid that will help you plot your course through JUNGLECAT. Straight run, yes, but there will be checkpoints in this race which I will now attempt to simply explain. You will be given a traditional manifest and a pen at the start line so that you can tick a few boxes along your ride thus ensuring the full JUNGLECAT experience. Here are the guidelines:
1. There will be a JUNGLE themed movie poster at the end (near the exit ;) of each alleyway. These posters will be represented on your manifest. Simply number the order in which they appear. Yes, that's it! There are 9 of these for those playing at home.
2. There will be few manned checkpoints also. The first of these is in Robertson Park (flanks Fitzgerald St, it's in the vid) at the PLAYGROUND, around the middle, on the left, as seen in the vid :) You will receive instructions at the checkpoint and they will be brief!
The second manned checkpoint will be here:

You may have seen this one before and it's featured in the vid. It shall be known as Herman's Hovel! (Cheriton St, East Perth)
The last manned checkpoint is located at a vacant block which is also the entrance to the last alleyway. Again, it's on the vid at the 13:20 mark.
That's about it, guys! If this all seems a little complicated the let me tell you it's a damn sight more simple than some of the race's I've participated in! For those of you who want to do their homework and watch the vid a couple of times, that's cool, but the rest need not worry as everything in this post will be explained on the manifest also - woo!
I'll leave you now with a couple of images from the last section of the course - which is the only tricky part btw, and it leads directly to an epic party!!